Saturday, 17 March 2018

Study Task 8: Cat collages

I have now begun to create imagery for my set of posters, I have decided that the posters will be screen printed rather than a combination of methods to create a neater, cleaner look. I started with creating illustrations of cats digitally using photoshop, however this isn't really my style of working; I prefer to work more handmade and funky which is why I have used the technique of collage.

When collaging, I noticed than a common theme that I was using was giving each cat an accessory, mainly hats; I have decided that the theme of my posters will be cats in hats. The collages follow a humorous, funky, weird aesthetic as I felt that most cat illustrations that are often seen have a very simplistic, cute style, I wanted to do something different with mine.

I will now continue to create collages like this and then choose the best 3 to use for my screen printed posters.

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