Thursday, 28 February 2019

Group Critique

Todays I had my group critique in which I will explained my question and then discussed the research, initial ideas, case studies and visual experiments that I have gathered. I presented the initial ideas and supporting visuals/designs that I have created (mood board, logo experiments, colour palette research, initial mockups designs)

I briefly explained through my question and the overall concept of my topic and then went on to explain how I want to approach the practical work; re-branding a low-end, cheap brand makeup brand (Wet n Wild) to look extremely high end and luxurious (like Chanel, Mac, YSL etc).

Feedback from critique:

  • Research into hour glass makeup and milk makeup, high end makeup brands which also use a very classy, minimal approach to their branding
  • Sans serif works well- research more into Sans Serif typefaces and why/how they give a more clean, professional look
  • Stick with the typography based logo designs rather than the shapes
  • Block type, make typography the main element on the branding (only imagery if needed)
  • High end brands often use just the logo in a big scale as the logo does all the talking and selling, research and focus on this
  • Stick to a very minimal colour palette, like only 3 colours?
  • Foiling

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