Mac and Nars:
- Consistent packaging on all of the products (mainly just black and silver packaging)
- The arrangement goes from the lighter shades to the darker shades gradually
- Matte black with metallic silver- I like how this creates contrast whilst still looking professional
- Logo is on every product and is often the main/only piece of design work on the packaging- consider this on my packaging designs, minimalism is key
Tom Ford:
- Gold detailing on every product- I love this as it creates consistency and the gold also looks extremely rich and luxurious
- Use of different colour for the different perfume bottles, whilst using the gold on every bottle within the same designs. The colours reflect on the scents- colour and scents could be something to consider and make interesting
- Sans Serif in capitals
- Testing card is extremely minimal- purely just uses the logo embossed in gold foil on the card
- Extremely luxurious and clean packaging
- Sans serif typeface- the use of different type weights to add emphasis on certain bits of information, this is important as it also makes the packaging labels easy to understand
- Gold used on packaging throughout
- Logo used on every product
- Ribbon is used on boxes, the ribbon uses the logo- satin ribbon might be interesting to use subtly on my box packages, satin gives a more luxurious look than cotton maybe
- Logo used on everything
- Different lids for the different nail polish collections- this is effective, however it does create a little bit of inconsistency and doesn't look as professional as overall branding. I think the silver lids work better than than the coloured lids
- Gold foiling on box packaging
- Sans serif typeface
- YSL logo is Sans serif with nuances- very on the verge of being a Serif typeface- this works as it makes the YSL logo unique and recognisable
- Gold used on every packaging
- Lip products use rectangle shaped packaging, the sprays use and creams use curvier packaging shapes
- Contrasts of metallic and matte on some of the packaging
- Logo used on every packaging- in the biggest scale compared to the other bits of information used
Estee Lauder:
- Heavy use of gold
- Use of Sans serif and Serif typeface- creates a bit of inconsistency, the Sans serif works much better
- Logo used on everything
- Different colours packaging for different scents and collections
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