Saturday 30 March 2019


I have now done a photoshoot of my final practical work. Every element that I designed and produced was photographed throughout this shoot, individually and together, the elements photographed were the 4 makeup product packages, the box in which they would be gift wrapped in, the gift wrapping paper (alone and shown actually used/wrapped) and the introduction card. A photoshoot was useful in order to show how everything looks physically, the photographs can also be used on design boards.

The box was wrapped in the ribbon that I bought, as well as the products- the products were also shown wrapped in the wrapping paper. Additionally, tissue paper was also used within the box to place the products with. Furthermore, the products were printed using thick matte paper.

I am extremely happy with how the photoshoot went as they look professional and exciting at the same time.

Friday 29 March 2019

Brand Guideline Publication Production

I have now printed the final brand guideline publication. I am extremely happy with the outcome of it as it looks clean and professional which is what I was aiming for. The final brand guideline consists of a main cover, a logo and typography page, a colour palette page, a page for the net design of each product, a page for each webpage and two pages for additional details such as production methods and pattern designs.

Each of the sections in the brand guidelines provides a short description which explains how and where the specific guidelines are used, as well as occasionally mentioning why they are applied to certain elements.

Furthermore, I chose to foil the logo on the front cover of the publication in order to make it more exciting and match the silver foiling used for the gift wrapping paper and introduction card.

Additionally, whilst I did a photoshoot of my final products and additional elements that I created (introduction card, wrapping paper, wrapping materials), I also took some photographs of the printed brand guideline publication:

Thursday 28 March 2019

Final Webpages

I have now developed the final webpages that I have re-designed for Wet n Wild. the pages pages that I have re-designed are the webpages that appear for the 4 products that I have re-branded the packaging for.  This extra element ties in well with the re-brand of Wet n Wild and with the individual products that I am re-branding, I also felt that the webpages and overall website could do with a re-design as the current Wet n Wild website has a weak UI and UX.

These designs have been developed further from the initial elements to display all of the key information needed as well as changing the main image to an image of a swatch of the product instead of an image of the product in order to maintain a minimal aesthetic. Also, I have added the logo, search icon and profile icon to the top to the page.

Furthermore, I also made slight tweaks to positioning of certain information and imagery.

Final highlighter webpage

Final lipgloss webpage

Final mascara webpage

Final foundation page

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Brand Guideline Publication

I have now started to develop my brand guidelines further since I have developed my designs for each element further towards finals. I can now put everything into a brand guideline publication in which I have been able to mention how the guidelines are further used on each element: the 4 products re-brand, the webpages, gift wrapping paper and introduction card.

I decided that I want to present the brand guideline as a physical publication instead of just showing it digitally as this is more appropriate and interesting. The brand guideline publication consists of a front cover, logo page and typography page, colour palette page, a page for each products net, re-designed webpages for each product and additional details pages which consist of the patterns used on the gift wrapping paper and the introduction card, there is also an additional details page for production materials/techniques used.

Each of the sections in the brand guidelines provides a short description which explains how and where the specific guidelines are used, as well as occasionally mentioning why they are applied to certain elements.

Rejected initial brand guideline publication pages are shown below. These pages focused on an A5 sized publication, however it was found that A4 was more appropriate in displaying certain elements such as the packaging nets and the full webpage designs.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Foiling Designs

Today I foiled the introduction card that comes with the set as well as the gift wrapping paper. I stuck with my original idea to foil in silver as silver matches my overall colour palette best- silver also reflects a rich, luxurious aesthetic which is what I am aiming for the re-branding aims to look high end. My research also showed that almost all high-end makeup brands use a metallic element in the production of their products.

I was extremely happy with how the foiling turned out as it didn't come out as patchy as I thought it would which was what I was worried about. One of the gift wrapping paper foiled designs got over printed and messed up a little bit so I will re-do this if I get time.

Additionally, I printed the gift wrapping paper onto thin GF Smith colour plan paper in White Frost as it is still durable paper but also quite thin, but I would quite like to foil on thin white newsprint maybe as gift wrapping paper is usually thinner. I printed the introduction card double sided on a nice thick white card which helps to make it look more important than if it were on flimsy paper, it also means that it wouldn't get creased and ruined easily as it is quite small.

Final Nets

I have now developed the final nets for each of the individual packaging that I have re-branded and designed, I can now physically print out them out and fold them as final products on Thursday. Throughout the foundation net experiments that I did yesterday, I found that the design which used the pattern in black worked best, with the logo also on the top as well as the front of the package- this was then applied to all of the other packaging designs.

Furthermore, my original plan was to foil the logo on each packaging. However, when foiling at University, you have to print the design on the laser jet printer in Black and White ink- this would mean that I wouldn't be able to digitally print the packages in digital print on nice paper. I decided that I won't foil the logo on each design as I feel that printing the packages on nice thick paper in digital print is more important towards the production.

Also I have foiled the introduction card that comes with the set of products and the gift wrapping paper- these don't really need to be foiled as well, it will also help the foiled elements stand out more.

Monday 25 March 2019

Net Developments

I have now developed the individual packaging re-branding designs as nets so that I can physically print out them out and fold them for final products. I have already created near final designs for the front and back of each product but I felt that the sides needed something or else the overall design may look too basic- even though my designs need to be minimal and clean, I felt that the sides could do with a little something.

Furthermore, when I was showing my peers my designs for the gift wrapping paper, they all seemed to really like the design that I am using for the final gift wrapping paper. The design is a pattern of the logo in small scale which creates a delicate aesthetic as it is still minimal and uses the logo in smaller scale than on the front of the products.

I thought it would be interesting to use also use this as a pattern on the sides of the products- a pattern is more appropriate and look interesting, rather than putting unnecessary information on the sides just for the sake of it. Below shows variations of the design in Black as well as the Pink.

Below shows the netting designs that I created for each individual product to be printed. Furthermore, digitally I really liked the netting designs of the pattern which uses the logo in the Pink shade so I applied this to all of the package nets.

Additionally, I printed out 3 different net designs of one of the products that I have re-branded (the foundation) in order to see what actually looks best physically as you can't get a real feel of something digitally. 

I printed one version without the pattern, one version which uses the pattern in pink, and one version that uses the pattern in black. It was found that the design below worked best out of the 3, the pink was found to be too subtle and it was hard to see that the pattern was of the logo. 

I cut this net out and folded it to see what it physically looks like- I was really happy with the outcome of how it looked even though it was a quick mockup. Furthermore, I will apply this pattern design and details to the other nets so that I can get them all digitally printed on Thursday.