Friday, 29 March 2019

Brand Guideline Publication Production

I have now printed the final brand guideline publication. I am extremely happy with the outcome of it as it looks clean and professional which is what I was aiming for. The final brand guideline consists of a main cover, a logo and typography page, a colour palette page, a page for the net design of each product, a page for each webpage and two pages for additional details such as production methods and pattern designs.

Each of the sections in the brand guidelines provides a short description which explains how and where the specific guidelines are used, as well as occasionally mentioning why they are applied to certain elements.

Furthermore, I chose to foil the logo on the front cover of the publication in order to make it more exciting and match the silver foiling used for the gift wrapping paper and introduction card.

Additionally, whilst I did a photoshoot of my final products and additional elements that I created (introduction card, wrapping paper, wrapping materials), I also took some photographs of the printed brand guideline publication:

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