Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Brand Guideline Publication

I have now started to develop my brand guidelines further since I have developed my designs for each element further towards finals. I can now put everything into a brand guideline publication in which I have been able to mention how the guidelines are further used on each element: the 4 products re-brand, the webpages, gift wrapping paper and introduction card.

I decided that I want to present the brand guideline as a physical publication instead of just showing it digitally as this is more appropriate and interesting. The brand guideline publication consists of a front cover, logo page and typography page, colour palette page, a page for each products net, re-designed webpages for each product and additional details pages which consist of the patterns used on the gift wrapping paper and the introduction card, there is also an additional details page for production materials/techniques used.

Each of the sections in the brand guidelines provides a short description which explains how and where the specific guidelines are used, as well as occasionally mentioning why they are applied to certain elements.

Rejected initial brand guideline publication pages are shown below. These pages focused on an A5 sized publication, however it was found that A4 was more appropriate in displaying certain elements such as the packaging nets and the full webpage designs.

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