Thursday 21 March 2019

Submission Briefing

Learning Outcomes:

5A1: Demonstrate a critical understanding of the aesthetic

5A2: Demonstrate an awareness of the relationship between the theoretical and practical contexts of their own creative concerns

5B1: Evidence the ability to use logic, reasoning and critical judgement to analyse ideas from a range of primary and secondary sources

5C1: Evidence the capacity for undertaking practical and theoretical research that demonstrates an informed application of critical, effective and testable processes

5D1: Organise and carry out self-directed projects and communicate outcomes through written, visual, oral and other appropriate forms

Submission day:

4th April 1pm-3pm
Print out and fill in a submission label
Digital submission dropbox 1pm 28/03/19- 1pm 04/03/19


-COP blog
-2500 word critical essay

  • 2000 main body
  • 500 reflective evaluation

-Essay- PDF uploaded to digital submission drop box

Hand in:

-Blog- PDF uploaded to admin computer...label as name_surname_OUGD501
-Printed A3 design boards and any practical work
-Printed copy of essay
-Submission label

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